Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break Visit from my parents

Sorry folks for such the late post. My parents came up to visit during our spring break at the end of March between Winter and Spring term. I was wonderful to see them! Can you believe that this was the first time my parent's had to travel to see just David and I? (This translates directly into time spent cleaning...).

We spent time up in Portland for their one truly sunny day...

We traveled to the coast...


A winery...         

And a non-profit carousel builder...? (WHAT??)

As far as I can tell everyone had a great time, David and I definitely appreciate their visit and hope they will come back next year... although maybe a little bit more in Spring so they can see all the flowers in bloom!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Return from Hibernation

Hello again everyone!

I'm back from my winter term hibernation (I blame it on the cold, wet weather as well as the heavy course load). Spring term has started and currently it's sunny and the flowers and the trees are all in bloom. Unfortuanltly, I'm stuck in my classroom for my Ocean Law class right now. Don't get me wrong, I am actually enjoying learning the in's and out's surrounding the ocean legal system and framework, but I would much rather be outside in the field. But since I am in class (don't worry we are in a break right now) this will be a very short blog posting, but I just wanted to let everyone out in cyberspace know I am alive and I haven't forgotten about my blog.

Keep your eyes open for upcomng blogs, I still need to post my parents spring break visit as well as some upcoming professional events. I will also be talking about classes and thus far classes are going well and things are shaping up to be a busy term (surprised? I'm not...). And I will hopefully by the end of this term be able to properly articulate my masters thesis work, so keep posted, I know everyone is dying to know what I will be studying, and so am I!