Tuesday, November 23, 2010

OK, somebody lied!

When we cam up to visit Oregon State last March, everybody talked about the weather. They would say things like 'it's perfect in the summer' and 'its gray and misty in the winter' but everyone agreed... 'it never actually snows in Corvallis'

Well... they all lied!

It started snowing last night and we weren't expecting anything to stick since it was all melting. Well, it stuck and now it looks like a pretty winter landscape. Kids across the street are sledding down the hills and all I want to do is make some hot chocolate and curl up under a few blankets and stay warm. Too bad that I have class today and have to go in. Wish David and myself a safe time driving through our first snow!

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahahaha - better you than me!

    First time it snowed when I lived in DC, I called in and told the boss he did not want a Texan driving in snow and that I would be working from home.

    You will get used to it though.

    Good luck, stay warm!
