Well week two has come to a close and soon I will be leaving to join some classmates for a brew at a local pub. As can be expected school is occupying majority of my life, between classes, labs, assignments, and various readings I haven't spent a lot of quality time with my husband or my cat.
My cat is extremely frustrated with me and taking her anger out on me through cruel and unusual ways of torture that can only be conceived by an evil demon spawn. Besides finding hair balls on my bed she has been working hard to prevent me from getting my R&R. Every morning this week at 6:30 sharp when my husband leaves the bed to get ready for work, cue the evil cat. She heads straight for the window and moves the curtains, with a precise that can only be developed through years of practice, to send bright streams of light directly into my eyes. About 15 minutes later she scratches and cries at the bedroom door demanding to be let out. Yes, she always wins this fight and either David or I will let her out. About 5 minutes later she's back at the bedroom door, this time from the opposite side, crying to get back in. However David refused to give in so what do I hear from under my pillow? "Lilly, sshhhh!! Come here! Bad cat, quiet!", to which comes cat responds with a series of back talking cries.
This vicious cycle has put my nerves on edge along with the stress of class assignment I have officially had my first meltdown session of the year. I know, I know, freaking out over an abstract for a research proposal is not a big deal, but to me it created one of those "what the hell am I doing moments!". But don't feel bad for me, I am seeking my revenge on the cat by demanding affection from her to help me get through my feelings of self doubt. The person you should feel sorry for is my husband since he has to put up with me and the cat!
Oh well, gone are the days of peace and relaxation, onwards to next week!!
Well I think Lily is just trying to remind you that when you lived back here you got up that early to go running.
Head up young person - enjoy your new adventure and kick some GIS ass!