- My major advisor announced that she had accepted a job position and will be leave in September
- My thesis project fell though due to the lack of a new federal budget, thus when this fell through so did my summer funding and I lost a committee member for my graduate committee
Trust me there is more, but these were the main issues that kind of bummed me out this term, and thus my enthusiasm for graduate school has been dampened (no pun intended with this wet rainy weather either). I know quite a few of my followers have been through a similar process. Any advice for a greenhorn like me? How did you pull yourself out of educational slumps?
Buy an Icee and watch old re-runs of South Park.
ReplyDeleteWorked for me.
Nothing pulls you up at a time like this other than just pure will to gut through and prove everyone else wrong.
You are a hard core person with a fabulous personality.
This too shall pass!
Call you soon.
I agree with Brooke. You are such a great person with a great attitude that I know you will pull through this with flying colors. Just know that your degree is totally worth all of the effort it takes and all of this will make you stronger in the end (although I know it sucks right now). And Icee's do always make things seem better... I am here to listen and commiserate with anytime girlie!